Actor • Writer • Voice-Over Artist (SAG / AFTRA)
UT-San Diego
“Hannah Logan’s fearless performance establishes her as a formidable presence in the local theater scene.”
San Diego Reader
“For those who didn’t see her one-person show Work: In Progress at the Fringe Festival last summer, Hannah Logan’s stunning performance as Agnes might come as a surprise. Those who did won’t be surprised at how fearlessly she strips her emotions bare and performs as if legions of vicious insects are marching toward her soul.”
Charlene and Brenda in the Blogosphere
“Newcomer, Hannah Logan, is ferocious and fearless (in the role of Agnes.)”
KSDS, Jazz 88.3
“Hannah Logan gives a tour de force performance as Aggie, who takes the biggest journey, stopping at every emotional way-station imaginable.”
San Diego Story
“Logan is uncomfortably convincing as the deeply wounded Agnes… She authentically shows how her sharp-tongued attitude masks her painful existence.”
San Diego Gay and Lesbian News
“Logan turns in a fine, nuanced performance as Agnes, trying to hold it together despite a life which has not been easy.”
San Diego Examiner
"(Hannah Logan’s portrayal) of Agnes’ descent into insanity is sadly chilling."
San Diego Reader
“Best of show: recent Craig Noel Award-winner Hannah Logan gets to roam all over the map as Helena. Equal parts funny, spacey, in Logan’s terrific performance she’s the person always left standing, in musical chairs, when the music stops.”
WORK IN PROGRESS, written and performed by Hannah Logan
UT-San Diego
“Critic’s Pick” of 2013 San Diego Fringe Theatre Festival
“A diamond in the rough.”
“All of (her characters) are hilarious and well-crafted, but surprisingly, it is the male characters she inhabits (both in voice and physical characteristics) that are the most astonishing.”
San Diego Reader
“Like Anna Deavere Smith, in her one-woman show, Work: in Progress,(Hannah) Logan re-creates her subjects with precision.”
ACCOMPLICE by Tom Salomon
San Diego Gay and Lesbian News
“…favorites were Jones and (Hannah) Logan; I’ll leave you to find out why.”
U~T San Diego
"But it’s Hannah Logan, as Lane’s oddball sister, Virginia, who really makes one scene after another her own. Logan …has a natural and subtle comic touch for the part, and earns some of the show’s best laughs."
San Diego Gay and Lesbian News
“(Hannah) Logan is very funny as the obsessive Virginia.”
San Diego Story
“Logan downplays her looks as the kind, but deeply sad Virginia. A major scene involving Virginia at her angriest provides a hilarious showcase of Hannah’s comedic skills.”
Times of San Diego
“The scene stealer is Hannah Logan, relentlessly hilarious as the deadpan, depressive, clean-freak Virginia.”
San Diego Reader
"Hannah Logan, at first unrecognizable in thick glasses and black bangs, simply is Virginia: fastidious, mega-repressed, and hilarious throughout... "
Times of San Diego
"Hannah Logan is uproarious as the mousy, miserable, mewling Huldey, an inveterate diarist who just wants to be famous, noticed and appreciated."
San Diego Union Tribune
"Best served by this evolution of tone is Logan, whose portrayal of oppressed sister Huldey is frighteningly hilarious. Logan also is the beneficiary of the play’s spotlight moment, in which she goes full diva murderess."
San Diego Union Tribune
"At the story’s center is Bonnie, the acting teacher, to whom the versatile San Diego-based actor Hannah Logan brings a wonderfully human and vulnerable portrayal. She’s both self-consciously solicitous and a little brittle, and we learn over the course of the play that war has come home for Bonnie in a painful way, too."
San Diego Uptown News
"Logan is a standout as the embodiment of melancholy."
San Diego City Beat
"The nearly slow-motion action of the players is hypnotic, chiefly Logan’s Tilly, who wrings every ounce of emotion from her haunted character, whether it’s by succumbing to sobs or earnestly addressing an almond in her hands."
KSDS FM, San Diego
"Tautly directed by Carla Nell, it features a marvelous performance by Hannah Logan as Tilly, who displays an eye-popping array of emotions."
San Diego Story
"Accordingly, Logan flawlessly places (Tilly) in a state of suspended animation, in a part that Ruhl must have written for her in another life."
San Diego Union Tribune
"Logan, who’s a natural for Ruhl’s rhythms and sense of the surreal — she had a memorable turn in “The Clean House” at New Village Arts a few years back — beautifully captures Tilly’s big shift from melancholy to deliriously happy, which sends her world wobbling off its axis."
Carol Davis, Theatre Critic
"At the center of this emotional rollercoaster is Hannah Logan wonderfully fitting into Tilly’s DNA as the almost forever melancholy bank teller who’s tears everyone thinks are magical and whose proximity everyone adores and loves."
Talkin' Broadway
"Logan leads the staging with a mixture of bleakness and compassion. She portrays Tilly's growing love for Frank and Frances with a powerful affection."